Sencio Members left to Carry the Can

Amid self congratulation at tonight's Sevenoaks District Council over the reopening of Sevenoaks and Edenbridge Leisure Centres, the Council leader confirmed that Sencio members and users will carry the can for part of the failure of the leisure operator - set up by the Council itself.
The liquidators for Sencio have confirmed that 5381 members and users are owed £269,000 in lost fees. The new leisure operator, Everyone Active, will not honour bookings or memberships from Sencio. The Council - advertised as Sencio's 'business partner' - is walking away too, leaving local people with a large loss. For some it's a few pounds. For others it will be hundreds of pounds. But on average over 5,000 local residents have lost £50 each.
Liberal Democrat councillors Elizabeth Purves and Richard Streatfield suggested that the Council should provide limited compensation, or an incentive for Sencio users to come back to the Centres. But the Tories said no.
Sports Centre users will almost certainly remember this when they vote in the local elections on 4th May.